Category Archives: Nature

Thai Water Buffalo Revival

A warning to farangs living in Thailand. Be prepared for an onslaught of kwai mai sabai or sick buffalo complaints from your girlfriends, as up-country relatives switch from tractors to water buffaloes to work their fields. For years the King of Thailand has proclaimed that the water buffalo was a vital part of the nation’s […]

Sunset From Brooklyn

Yesterday my landlord and I bicycled over to North Williamsburg for an art opening. We ate sushi and drank beer, wine, sake, and tequila. The paintings by Charlotte Eschenlohr-Seidl were a pleasant surprise. We bid good night a little after 7 and rode down to the East River. An armada of rain-clouds lingered over the […]

No More Cars

kfc thailand tsunami earthquake banda aceh

Another serious earthquake struck of the coast of Sumatra. Banda Aceh and other coastal cities were warned about a possible tsunami from the 8.6-magnitude quake and a follow-up tremblors of 8.2. The people reacted to the alert by hitting the road to avoid another disaster. Photos of the gridlocked exodus revealed the futility of flight. […]

Spring Has Sprung

Snow has been absent from New York since my return from Europe. A few snow flurries have dusted the sidewalks of Fort Greene and the city experienced a cold snap in February, but otherwise this winter has been extremely abnormal. Today’s temperature reached the mid-70s and tomorrow is predicted to hit a new record for […]