Category Archives: Nature

The End Of Cars Is Neigh

The Indian tribes of the West have unified to stop the Dakotan pipeline from crossing their ancient grounds. Yesterday the North Dakotan governor sent in the Bismarck Police backed by armored vehicles. They are standing their ground to support the pipeline’s progress. The Indians refuse to move. The police hold shotguns. The Indians gave them […]

Enemies of the State – The Fanjuls of Florida

The Seminoles called the vast tropical wetlands of Southern Florida Pa-hay-okee. The swamps atop the limestone plateau have been inhabited from 10,000BC, however the recent predation of Man threatened to destroy the Grassy Waters. Green algae covers the waterways and coastal shores with a thick slime. The 2013 outbreak was bad. The 2016 bloom has […]

No More Bakkum Pipeline

Fracking became a major force in North Dakota during the 00s, as the Bush regime actively pursued the production of oil trapped within the Earth of the Midwest. Water from the aquifer and Missouri River were combined with solvent to be pumped into the depths to free the oil. For year the sludge has been […]

No Hurricanes. Not Himicanes Either

Hurricanes and tropical storms form in the tropical waters off Africa. The trade winds push the mammoth storms across the Atlantic Ocean. They strike the Caribbean Islands, Central America, Mexico, and the United States with savage regularity. The meteorolgists give them names. Katrina in 2005 was the worst hurricane in recent history and her tidal […]

Flotsam From The Flood

According to Wikipedia flotsam is floating wreckage of a ship or its cargo. Jetsam is part of a ship, its equipment, or its cargo that is purposefully cast overboard or jettisoned to lighten the load in time of distress and that sinks or is washed ashore. Lagan is cargo that is lying on the bottom […]