Category Archives: Nature

3 Ma – CO2 = 400+

Three million years ago Paranthropus Boisei roamed the East African woods, existing on C4 plants according to scientists. Turtles, elephants, giraffes, zebras, lions, rhinoceros and gazelles appear in the fossil record of that long-lost era. The CO2 level 3 ma was 400 ppm and this week the Mauna Loa Observatory in Hawaii recorded that number […]

Pissing Contest

According to the world record for longest consecutive peeing sessions is 508 seconds, which is almost eight-and-a-half minutes, while it takes the typical person only 20 seconds to finish their flow. The longest distance a person has ever peed was by Joey Wallace of Arizona who reached his stream 14 feet and one inch. […]

Atheism – Kingsley Amis

“Yevgeny Yevtushenko: ‘You atheist?’ “Kingsley Amis: ‘Well, yes, but it’s more that I hate him.” ― Kingsley Amis Foto for gratuitous titillation by Ali Formenti

Standing Rock Protests

The Dakota Access Pipeline was proposed by Energy Transfer Partners to transport fracked oil from the Bakken Oil Fields in North Dakota 1,134 miles through South Dakota and Iowa to oil tanks in Illinois. The oil tank farm is innear Patoka, Illinois, which has approximately 633 inhabitants. Patoka presently receives oil from the Chicago, Keystone, […]

Mad Matthew

Last week the weather was cool in New York and I thankfully thought, “Another year without a hurricane hitting the East Coast.” I had said the same thing before Tropical Depression Sandy had its way with New York and now Hurricane Matthew hovers off the coast of Floria, threatening destruction should the storm makes landfall […]