Category Archives: Nature

Moby WTF

Several Palm Sundays ago I woke with an urge to see the ocean. It was a sunny day. The Hamptons were too far away for a day trip, however Rockaway Beach was close. When I told my roommate about the excursion, Vladmar laughed at me, “Rockaway Beach not ocean. It is song from Ramones.” “It’s […]

THE EVERGLADES: RIVER OF GRASS by Marjory Stoneman Douglas

The Everglades: River of Grass by Marjory Stoneman Douglas was published the same year as the formal opening of Everglades National Park. Her writing began as a small article on the Miami River. “About an inch long,” she supposedly said of the piece. Her book The River of Grass covered the historical and natural aspects […]

USA # 3 in Climate Change Denial

This week Venice has been flooded by historic high tides three times. St. Mark’s Plaza has been deluged by the Adriatic Sea. Tourists had fled the city, as the Lido flood gates fail to hold back the water. The citizens of La Serenissima’s 118 islands have struggled to find higher ground on the Po Delta. […]

Cockroach Holocaust

My old house on Moo 9 in Pattaya had all kinds of birds, butterflies, snakes, and insects. My East Village apartment only had mice and cockroaches. The latter badly infested the tenement flat in 1995 like Israelis taking over Palestine. The management sprayed my place and the old Puerto Rican lady’s apartment with a deadly […]

92 in New York’s Indian Summer 2019

My last few days were spent in Hudson New York, renovating an artist studio. At first the weather ran seasonably cool and I cursed myself for not bringing a hoodie or anything else warm, however by Tuesday the temperatures crawled up into the 70s and today I walked out of the Warren Street building into […]