Category Archives: music

Jimmy Durante’s Beer Mug

Andre the Giant was a huge man as anyone can tell from how small the beer can looks in his hand. The champion pro wrestler was also a monstrous drinker once downing 199 beers in a sitting. The American singer/pianist Jimmy Durante aka the Schnozzola also liked his beer. And he loved his wife, Mrs. […]

Anita Sarko RIP

Detroit has lost one of its best. Anita Sarko has joined our friends in the Here-Before. She will live with us endlessly through the spinning vinyl of DJs everywhere. Detroit. Detroit. Michael Musto’s Goodbye. Anita Sarko was a world class DJ, lively writer, and dear friend. My parents and I accepted her as family and […]

Dear Grace

Dear Grace Jones played New York last week. We will always be slave to her rhythm. To hear Grace’s SLAVE TO THE RHYTHM, please go to the following URL


DOG DAY by Spongehead

My favorite extinct band. SPONGEHEAD To hear Spongehead, please go to the following URL Almost sounds like THE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKING by Nancy Sinatra.