Category Archives: music

Perfection 1968

From1/10/2010 I was 16 in 1968. My favorite band was the Rolling Stones. The year they released BEGGARS BANQUET. Rolling Stones – No expectations / You can’t always get what you want Live. “I saw her at the reception. A glass of wine in her hand. I knew she was going to meet her connection.” […]

The Rolling Stones – Sympathy For The Devil

Few better songs from the Rolling Stones SYMPATHY FOR THE DEVIL

Super Brat Charlie XCX

Charlie XCX Contemp glam pop selling the illusion of attainable wealth and fame to the underclass dreaming to be special. Charlie XCX sings the songs for the forgotten masses wanting a message of we are us. Her hook in YOU’RE ONLY ONE is YOU”RE ONLY ONE and she sings this lyric seventy-three times. In 3:24. […]

Bouffant The 60s the Surf Nantasket

In 1966 I met Joe Kane from Mattapan at the Surf Nantasket, a dance Mecca, for teenagers on the South Shore of Boston. Her bouffant was lacquered stiff as a football helmet by Aquanet hair spray. Once a week we went to the Mattapan Oriental theater for the matinee to make out in the balcony. […]

Summer Times Blues

Today was the official summer solstice for the northern hemisphere. The day lasted almost sixteen hours in New York and the sun never set in Murmansk, Russia. I woke well before the dawn and went to sleep far past sunset, as the Earth polar cap tipped toward the nearest star 93 million miles away from […]