Category Archives: Movies / TV

The Love of Gladiators

My older brother’s school was a trolley ride away from our suburban house. Boston College High School excelled at sports and academics. I wanted to join my brother in the following class of 1970, except I won a full scholarship to Xaverian Brothers located only ten miles away from our exit on Route 128. The […]

TV Terror

When I was young, my father called the TV the ‘boob tube’. He felt that the programming made us idiots. He was right. I loved THE THREE STOOGES. Later my father railed against the senseless violence on the TV. “Only will breed violence.” He was right again. This country is full of violence, but some […]

Rex Trailer’s Boomtown

Since the beginning of time humanity has risen thanks to the memories billions of people scattered across the globe. My recollection of names, places, and faces run back into the 1950s. At this point in time I figuredI’ve seen about fifty millions people in the voyages across America, Canada, Peru, Guatemala, Mexico, Canada, France, England, […]

Arnold’s Hamlet

Some movies beg to be made for a star’s public. HAMLET with Arnold Schwatzenegger in the starring role as the Danish Prince. “To be or not to be….(explosion)…Not to be.” To view Arnold’s Hamlet, please go to the following URL

If Only I Could

If only I could go back in time, it wouldn’t be to see Rome at its might or right all my wrongs. My destination would be wherever Charlotte Rampling was in this photo. Heaven or hell wouldn’t matter to me. She was an angel.