Category Archives: Life

America: The Grim Truth / Late Breaking News 2010

Posted in Truth by lancefreeman76 on April 5, 2010 Americans, I have some bad news for you: You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin. If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of […]

Joyous Valentine for UK Teenagers – 2017

I can’t believe Hollywood came out with another FRIDAY THE 13TH. I’m sure the teenage heroine doesn’t call the police at the first sign of trouble or use a condom like this 13 year-old boy. Thankfully someone will heed the tenets of the Holy Roman Church and just scream.. The baby’s name is Maise. At […]

Seeing Things

When I was given psychological tests after my fatal diagnosis of liver cancer, I told the psych interviewers that I experienced visions and saw people out of the corners of my eyes. “Hallucinations?” “No, visions. I can see beyond the veil.” I informed them that I had been born with the placenta around my head. […]

Lazurus II Dancing – January 25, 2023

January 25, 2023. One month post transplant. Looking clean in Jacob Eye Home. Reciting poetry with Jack Haven. Weighing 160. Skin and bones and looking like I played with the Rolling Stones. That morning Charlotta Janssen said, “You’re not in the waiting room anymore. You’re alive. Get a hair cut and start dressing good. ” […]

Collect Call to the After-Life

Published 2016 This summer my brother visited me in a dream. My deceased mother and I were sitting in a ramshackle cottage on Cape Cod. My brother said he was going to meet friends. He looked happy, as he ran out the door. It was a little too short, but I was happy to see […]