Category Archives: Liberty

In the Words of Albert Finney

Few films are as bittersweet romantic as the comic road movie TWO FOR THE ROAD starring Albert Finney and Audrey Hepburn. The two play star-crossed lovers traveling throughout Europe. Their honeymoon brings them to a country hotel in France, where they observed older couples speechlessly dining together. “What kind of people don’t speak to each […]

Sorry About the Slavery Thing

The USA was founded on the extermination of one race, the slavery of another, and the exploitation of the foreign workers. Most Americans would not agree with this assessment, however this week the Senate unanimously apologized for the centuries of enforced servitude by Africans. No mention of the Indian or Chinese slaves or my having […]

Permanent Record

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” These lines from Emma Lazurus’ sonnet THE NEW COLOSSUS have graced the base of the Statue of Liberty since 1903. […]

Soak The Rich

I know some rich people. Mostly from Palm Beach, Millbrook, and Manhattan. Nobody in Europe dares announce their wealth in feat of the tax man. South Americans could give a shit. When they have money, they like to spend it, however during the current economic crisis no one wants to show their cash and this […]

Steroid Juice Monkeys of the NYPD

The Thai police raid clubs to piss-test customers for drugs. If you failed the test ie your pee turns purple, you are arrested for drug use. The USA is a little more civilized, however many companies demand to pass a drug test before you are hired for any position and that means mail room or […]