Category Archives: Liberty

America: The Grim Truth / Late Breaking News 2010

Posted in Truth by lancefreeman76 on April 5, 2010 Americans, I have some bad news for you: You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin. If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of […]

Larry Flynnt – the Voice of Freedom

Larry Flynt publisher of Hustler credited his passion for the First Amendment with being sentenced to up to 25 years on obscenity charges in 1976. “I think I had to stand in a courtroom and listen to a judge sentence me to 25 years in prison before I realized it was something that could no […]

Bad Debt Good

My first credit card was backed by the endorsement of Mrs. Carolina in 1995. “An American Express for emergencies.” The southerner loved the way I kissed and visited me once a month in New York. Ms. Carolina told her husband that I was gay. His believing her mapped out a faultline in my masculinity. Ms. […]

Cinco De Mayo

Fifteen years ago my brother-in-law and I left the cabin on Watchic Pond. My sister remained in the kitchen prepping for lunch. The bright spring sun had heated the morning and the thermometer nailed to a tall pine read 72F. Our task, putting in the dock in the lake in early May. The water temperature […]

May Day Thailand

Thailand has an amazing galaxy on public holidays, mostly religious or honoring the royal family history. Many farangs are befuddled by this unexplained cosmos, especially since the nation celebrates three different New Year’s Days. Western, Chinese, and Thai. Today is a bank holiday in Thailand, but few Thais or westerners know the origin of this […]