Category Archives: Letters

Men Versus Women – The Eternal Struggle

“Women are always right and they are never more right then when they are wrong and you try to convince of this.” Pascha Ray. They’re different creatures rom man as proven by this email from Brian LeBouef featuring a short story exercise written by a male and female student at the U of Phoenix. The […]

Extinct Ludes

From a friend My favorite quaalude adventure took place @ the Hyatt Regency Hotel sunday afternoon tea dance in the gigantic lobby that had a fountain in the center w/a bench surrounding the pool of water. My 3 friends & I had taken quaaludes on our way to the dance and by the time we […]

I’m A Hypocrite

A reader sent a comment on my entry DEATH SONG THAILAND He found umbrage with my comment that ‘The majority of US Citizens consider the death penalty as an effective weapon against murder.’ PROUD AMERICAN said… I don’t know where you got your information on most Americans think the death penalty is a effective deterrent […]

Steal and Burn This Book

In 1970 Yippie spokesperson Abbie Hoffman wrote STEAL THIS BOOK, a guide to growing week, communal living, food theft, passing bad checks and a whole slew of revolutionary repossession techniques as well as how to confront the police armed and unarmed. The book hit the bestseller charts in 1971. I stole the guide from a […]

Letter From the Right 2-18

The Big Buster sent this letter. WOULDN’T IT BE GREAT TO TURN ON THE TV AND HEAR ANY U.S. PRESIDENT, DEMOCRAT OR REPUBLICAN, GIVE THE FOLLOWING SPEECH? “My Fellow Americans: As you all know, the defeat of the Iraq regime has been completed. Since congress does not want to spend any more money on this […]