Category Archives: law

Accidents Thai Style

Pattaya’s roads are tattooed by spray-painted outlines of bodies and tires. Directional arrows indicate how the accident occurred without attributing blame to any of drivers. Many foreigners fear that they would always be at blame for a fender-bender, yet this shouldn’t be the case, if you follow a few rules of courtesy and patience during […]

Defense Of The First Amendment

“Pornography exists for the lonesome, the ugly, the fearful…It’s made for the losers.” The writer Rita Mae Brown found an unexpected ally in the fight against pornography this week, when GOP presidential hopeful Rick Santorum declared war on Internet Pornography. “America is suffering a pandemic of harm from pornography.” This declaration of future hostility against […]

Wanted Man In Georgia Redux

RE : Obama appearance before a Georgia court. A reader informed me of the following; That report is incorrect. Here is what actually happened: The attorney for some of the plaintiffs, Orly Taitz, got a blank subpoena form signed by Judge Malihi from a State web site and served it on Obama’s attorney. Although the […]

10 Years In Gitmo

The September 11 attacks on America changed the rules of warfare for the United States. The nation craved revenge and the first taste was served in Afghanistan with the defeat of the Taliban. Hundreds of prisoners were transferred from the theater of war to the US Naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. These detainees were […]


Mississippi leads America is the worst state for obesity, health, family income, lowest percentage of grammar and high school graduates, public transportation, and seat belt use. 53% of those polled by Gallup considered themselves conservative tying the Mormon Kingdom of Utah as the most reactionary state in the Union. The U of Mississippi football reflected […]