Category Archives: language

The Word Fuck

This tone poem is attributed to the great linguist George Carlin. Perhaps one of the most interesting words in the English language today, is the word FUCK. Out of all of the English words which begin with the letter F, FUCK is the only word referred to as the “F” word, it’s the one magical […]

Malpracticed English

Most writers pride themselves in the mastery of their written language. Words strung together to create a world accessible to the reader. The nuns of Our Lady of the Foothills taught their students the proper spelling, hyphenation, capitalization, word breaks, emphasis, and punctuation with the aid of a yardstick. Mistakes in orthography were punished as […]


We all know those cute little computer symbols called “emoticons,” 🙂 means a smile 🙁 is a frown. Well, how about some “ASSICONS?” (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass that’s been around (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave […]

Thai Language Lessons

I learned Thai from my various girlfriends using an old colonial technique known as the ‘sleeping dictionary’ or suea non gin poot-ha-na-noo-grom approach. I read 3-4 words a day from the regular dictionary to increase my vocabulary. The only problem was my Boston accent, so I sometimes confuse Thais with my speaking their language. My […]

The Beauty Of Language

I’ve lived in several foreign countries. Germany, France, Mexico, Indonesia, and Thailand. You can usually find someone to speak English albeit their version of the language and in order to be understood you dumbize your speech. After a few months you end up sounding like ET after drinking too many beers. “Me want go home.” […]