Category Archives: ireland

Beering with Da O’Bamas

Ireland is the home of Guinness Beer and President Obama lifted a pint of the brown sludge at a local pub in Moneygall. His wife sipped at her beer with relish. It was a moment of joy during a brief detour from his busy schedule of his European trip. Family, friends, and Guinness. A proper […]

JUMP AROUND / House Of Pain Why don’t the Fife and Drum bands play this Irish hip-hop hit? Jump Around

The Dearth of Wealth

No one in the USA will rebel until they surrender their dream of instant wealth. ‘Who wants to be a Millionaire’ is a lie. A million dollars after taxes lasts a poor man about three years, unless he throws away his telephone and stops talking to his family. The Lottery is a scam. Most of […]

Bloomberg, Teigh Trasna Ort Féin

New York’s Mayor Bloomberg spent $100 million to convince the voters that his opponent stood no chance against his juggernaut. The billionaire won by 6% thanks to the apathy of the brainwashed electorate. Bloomberg has cut services, raised subway fares, and blamed underlings for his failings, but this week the nebbish crossed ethnic lines by […]