Category Archives: Internet

Faithful to my Wife

Two nights ago I was sitting in Frank’s with Aodren. The French ad producer and I were drinking Stellas and watching the Celtics. He asked if I had any girlfriends in New York. “None.” “None?” The twenty-five year-old knew of my reputation as a pussy hound from the ex-model of Paris. “I’m faithful to my […]

Not So Fast

Facebook didn’t not ban me. The problem was due to my cookie settings. And I thought my comment was important enough to merit censorship. I guess I’ll have to go to the bad words. Seven according to George Carlin. * Shit * Piss * Fuck * Cunt * Cocksucker * Motherfucker * Tits Anything else […]

Pattaya Addicts Online

My exile from Pattaya has lasted over a year. My past visit of 6 weeks was too short. I’m heading back the end of the month. In the meanwhile I ranging through for excitement. Not even close to being as much fun as being in the Last Babylon, but better than being in Rockford […]

Popularity Contest

Last month was getting 1000 visits a day. I thought that people appreciate my entries on the good, the bad, and the in-between, however July saw a slip-off in visits. Don to 210 yesterday and I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m writing shit. So it’s time for a change. I’m only going to […]

DeFriended on Facebook

FAcebook has brought millions of old friends together. High school schoolmates. Old Lovers. Traveling companions. I’ve been grateful to reconnect with these people, however this reunion device has also proven to me that there were good reasons why I stopped speaking to several people and they have gratefully ‘defriended’ me because of political comments. The […]