Category Archives: Internet

Kill a Jew Backlash

My friend Raoul posted a Facebook page KILL A JEW. The page was promoting an event on July 12. I joined to research the madness behind this sight. A gun dealer in Arizona has been sending hate mail to my Facebook account. Our discussion; LOBO You are scum. ME Thank you. LOBO You’re welcome ME […]

Kill a Jew Day

Someone put ‘Kill a Jew Day’ on Facebook. People are outraged by promo KILL A JEW DAY Friday, July 9, 2010 12:00am – 11:30pm Everywhere Krystalnacht redux. The 2nd Coming? Indeed the rumors of Hitler’s escape from the Berlin bunker are legion. George Steiner wrote THE LAST PORTAGE OF AH about an Israeli intelligence squad […]


We all know those cute little computer symbols called emoticons, 🙂 means a smile 🙁 is a frown. Well, how about some ASSICONS? (_!_) a regular ass (__!__) a fat ass (!) a tight ass (_*_) a sore ass {_!_} a swishy ass (_o_) an ass thats been around (_x_) kiss my ass (_X_) leave […]

Hell on Earth

Mam has several internet friends. She confides in them. Our story is well-known and their comments help guide her understanding of my mania. Our life is difficult since I have a daughter with someone else. I tell Mam that I am faithful, but no woman believes that a an can be with only one woman. […]

Pandora – online radio

In Greek mythology Pandora was the first woman. She was molded out of the Earth by a goddess to punish Prometheus for creating fire. Her name in ancient Greek means ‘giver of all’. Her benign reputation has been maligned by the legend of her opening a box containing all the ills besetting this planet. The […]