Category Archives: Internet

Xpress Hits the Internet

The Nation completed its metamorphorsis to a daily business report by diverting its news section to its online reincarnation XPRESS. See Online news publications are a desperate act for newspapers whose readership has deteriorated under the assault of TV’s 24/7 information cycle and the shorter attention spans of modern life. Elections?

Paid by fools chain letter.

I get chain letters all the time. This was the most convincing in ages. I actually called the phone number in the letter. 800-numbers in the USA aren’t reachable from Thailand. The second # was busy and the 3rd was out of service. I sent the chain letter to 20 of my freinds only becasue […]

Switched Servers

I’m not a good typist. My fingers are afflicted with manual dyslexia. My spasmatic digits is not why question marks have replaced quotations throughout Mangozeen. We changed servers. The problem should be fixed by Monday. remember this is the weekend. So bear with us. We’ve come a long way since Apple 2.  

Not the Nation

This is a new website spoofing the Nation. When you need it the most, here comes the laughs. Shipping baron daughter Yinlak “Pip” Chinthammit defies the odds and inspires others with her incredible spirit and determination to run her own décor boutique BANGKOK – The elite of Thailand continue to lead the nation forward with […]

Have you seen this girl?

Whenever I visit the States or Europe, old friends celebrate the prodigal’s return. The guest list run from the good, the bad, and the beautiful. After all we’re talking about London, Paris, LA, and New York. Most of the invitees are familiar with my history, but also a smattering of new people and sooner or […]