Category Archives: holiday

Back From The Dead 2011

My New Year’s Eve plans were local. Watch the Celtics-New Orleans game at Mullane’s followed up by an early beer at Frank’s then home to my Fort Greene Penthouse to watch the final sunset of 2011 before getting attire in my evening suit. Nothing says New Year’s Eve better than a tux. I polished off […]

THE APARTMENT by Billy Wilder – 2014

Billy Wilder has directed several of my favorite films; SUNSET BOULEVARD and SOME LIKE IT HOT, however my favorite remains THE APARTMENT 1960 with Jack Lemmon and Shirley MacLaine and co-starring Fred McMurray as the caddish executive. I hated McMurray for mistreating Shirley MacLaine’s character, Fran, so much that I never watched his TV show […]

New Year’s Resolutions 2015

Every January 1st millions of Americans vow to better their lives and the world. The Top Ten New Year’s resolutions rarely differ from year to year, since few people ever realize these impossible resolutions. Last year I made no resolutions. Not one. At my age I’ve failed enough times to accept my unsuccessful resolution rut […]

AULD LANG SYNE Die Toten Hosen

Auld Lang Syne 2012

2012 will come to an end this evening. 2013 has already dawned on my young family in Thailand. Seven hours remain in 2012 at the Fort Greene Observatory. Darkness lay heavy over the borough of Brooklyn and a bottle of Riesling stands on my desk as my passport to the new year. Tonight I will […]