Category Archives: history

Happy First Meeting Day

Five hundred and twenty-eight years ago Rodrigo de Triana spotted land at 2am from the Pinta’s lookout. “Tierra, tierra.” This shout woke his shipmates and the captain of this small caravel fired a cannon to announced the epic discovery of land. Later that day the three ships of Christopher Columbus or Cristoforo Colombo arrived at […]

October 11

October 8 has been the date of many important historical events. In 1600 San Marino adopted its written constitution. In 1956 New York Yankees’s Don Larsen pitched a perfect game in the World Series. In 1967 Guerrilla leader Che Guevara and his men are captured in Bolivia. And in 2001 U.S. President George W. Bush […]

Donald Tweet Columbus Day

av Christopher Columbus’s spirit of determination & adventure has provided inspiration to generations of Americans. On #ColumbusDay, we honor his remarkable accomplishments as a navigator, & celebrate his voyage into the unknown expanse of the Atlantic Ocean. In truth Columbus voyaged west with the knowledge of Portugese and Basque fishermen, who harvested Cod from the […]

October 10

In two days some of America will celebrate Columbus Day. Many will curse the Genoan On October 10, 1492 the great navigator was two hundred miles from land. In 1973 Vice President Agnew was deposed as Nixon’s vice president for graft. He once said, “An intellectual is a man who doesn’t know how to park […]

RAIN 9/10/2001 by Peter Nolan Smith

September 10, 2001 was a rainy day in New York and the Weather Channel predicted precipitation throughout the afternoon. .3 inches humid and wet. I exited from my East 10th Street apartment at 9.13 and headed toward Velseka’s on 2nd Avenue. My breakfast of a bagel and coffee came to $2.11. I gave the waiter […]