Category Archives: heresy

Jim Jefferies: Religion and Pandas

More Than 10% Divine

right before I left for Luxembourg, my co-worker Deisy announced that she had no gay friends. She was a fundamentalist and a firm believer in the Bible. Hell was reserved for sinners and God has a special oven for the worshipers of man-sex for her church. Her church was not Catholic in origins. “Deisy, you […]


Reprise of Love’s epic non-hit. Good cover, but Arthur Lee’s original is sheer genius.

Ratsach Ratsach Ratsach

The Israeli Air Force launched a pre-emptive strike against the airfields of Jordan, Syria, Iraq, and Egypt on June 6, 1967. This Pearl Harbor attack caught the Arab MIG fighters and Russian bombers on the ground. Having won air superiority the Zionist Army destroyed the massed tank forces of the UAR and within 6 days […]

Macho Man Drop-Elbow on Jesus

The night of the predicted Armageddon atheists set off fireworks down by Red Hook. May 21 had come and gone without the Messiah of the Christians showing his face. I didn’t see much cause for celebration. Those fanatics are mostly trouble-makers and shit-stirrers, but AP, my landlord, Alaska Jack, and I raised our glasses on […]