Category Archives: Health

Etaples France 1917

Accoriding to Wilipedia the major UK troop staging and hospital camp in Étaples in France has been theorized by researchers as being at the center of the Spanish Flu. The research was published in 1999 by a British team, led by virologist John Oxford. In late 1917, military pathologists reported the onset of a new […]

Masque Of The Red Death

Two weeks ago I was tramping off Mount Kilimanjaro. The Kili Initiative team were happy to be back in Marangu. I got on the internet and checked the news outlets. Italy was shut down 100% and the Pope wandered the streets of Rome blessing the faithful, but the virus resisted all measures. I felt fine […]

COVID-19 Prevention Checks

Advice from a Houston hospital: One of the worst side effects of the Covid 19 crisis has been the surge of online precaution methods on the Internet. Suddenly everyone who can google ‘corvid 19’ has been granted a medical degree from the School of Rule 34. Just remember a little knowledge hurts and in this […]

Black Plague 2040

Back in 2008 the world experienced an economic collapse due to the greed of the banks. Traffic on Sukhumvit reached a catastrophic density, food prices rose beyond the reach of many people, gas neared 40 baht a liter. Financial pundits on CNN and Fox News argued for saving the banks. I favored their complete failure, […]

COVID-19 Symptoms

Symptoms The illness associated with a diagnosis of COVID-19 ranges from very mild, including no reported symptoms, to very severe, including death. The CDC says older people and people of all ages with severe underlying health conditions, such as heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease, are at higher risk of experiencing serious complications from coronavirus. […]