Category Archives: Health


AUGUST 9, 1979 Over a week ago my hillbilly girlfriend and I watched television at our friend’s Kim, duplex. We returned to my room of Ezast 11th Street around midnight. The SRO’s manager knocked on the door, asking, “Mr. Smith, are you moving tomorrow? Check-out is 11.” “Yes, I’m leaving, but now so leave me […]


The Red Sox break out of their slump, taking two games from the Yankees. Jim Rice looks slow, but they are playing in 95F weather. The weather is no better in the East Village. The agust air is exhausted by summer. I’ve only been to the beach once in comparison to my beach bum days […]

Slow Tongue

I have a stutter. I have it since childhood. My teacher at Pine Grove Elementary School feared that I might be retarded and strongly suggested to my parents that I visit a speech expert in Portland, which was the biggest city in Maine. My father and mother drove me to Maine Medical. A doctor gave […]

Reefer IQ

While searching for US arrests for marijuana I discovered this test from FRONTLINE. I got all the answers right. My IQ for weed is very most excellent. 1. Under which president have more people been arrested for marijuana crimes? a) Ronald Reagan b) George Bush c) Bill Clinton 2) What’s the breakdown for marijuana arrests […]

No Sleep In Space

NASA conducted the first fly-by of MArs in 1965. The Mariner 4 orbited the Red Planet sending back photos as well as measuring factors of Space for future missions. Communications with the satellite ceased on the winter solstice of 1967, however the US space agency continued to explore the distant planet with unmanned robots. At […]