Category Archives: greed

Long Love The West End of Boston

The West End of Boston had been developed for the rich. The neighborhood also sheltered freed blacks, who bravely served in the Civil War. The waves of Armenians, Greeks, Irish, Lebanese, Italians, Jews, Lithuanians, Poles, Russians, Syrians, and Ukrainians emigrants pushed out the wealthy, creating a ethnic haven for one and all. The Ward 8 […]

The Reign Of A Nationalist

Last spring my friend was driving me across Dutchess County to catch the train in Dover Plains. The road passed through rural community surrounded by billionaires’ estates. We passed through an abandoned village and the last house flew a Rebel flag in the front yard. I told my friend to stop. “Why?” “Because I’m going […]

Presidential Proclamation on Columbus Day, 2018

In 1492, Christopher Columbus and his mighty three-ship fleet, the Niña, Pinta, and Santa Maria, first spotted the Americas. His historic achievement ushered in an Age of Discovery that expanded our knowledge of the world. Columbus’s daring journey marked the beginning of centuries of transatlantic exploration that transformed the Western Hemisphere. On Columbus Day, we […]

Trump Without the T Is Rump

New Yorkers overwhelmingly voted for Hillary and yesterday residents of several Trump-owned buildings voted to have the President-elect’s name from the entrance. Equity Residential relented its opposition and workers began the process by removing the letter T transforming the complex into Rump Place. A small crowd cheered from the sidewalk. Meanwhile Trump has taken up […]

None Of The Above

Millions of Americans are without work. Congress set up a hearing to deal with long-term unemployment this week and only Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) showed her face for the meeting. According to the Press Sens. Robert Casey (D-Pa.), Mark Warner (D-Va.), Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.), Dan Coats (R-Ind.), Mike Lee (R-Utah), Roger Wicker […]