Category Archives: good

The Goodness Of Ganga

Ganga is legal in eight states and twenty states have allowed its use for medical purposes. Last year more money was spent on reefer than liquor in Aspen, Colorado. According to the Aspen Times legal distributors of cannabis in Aspen earned $11.3 million in revenue in 2017 compared with $10.5 million for liquor stores. Crime […]

SUNDAY QUIETUDE by Peter Nolan Smith

Ten years ago I took a young friend to see the Strokes at Saturday Night Live. The host was Miley Cyrus, the Disney teen sensation. The 19 year-old’s current worth is in the hundreds of millions and SNL’s producer followed the svelte brunette’s every move, as if he had plans for the perennial good girl. […]

The Presence Of Neanderthals

Modern human anthropologists estimate that Homo Neanderthalensis existed from 300,000 BN or Before Now until extinction by extermination by genocide by Homo Sapiens, climate change, or disease around 30,000 BN, however the Neanderthal gene remained intact across the present-day Northern Hemisphere with approximately 1–4% of genomes of Eurasians, Oceanians, Native Americans, and North Africans from […]


Last year Susan Cheever entered the ranks of prohibitionism with her entry in the NY Times DRUNKENFREUDE. Her glib mangling of the classic German term ‘schadenfreude’ meaning taking joy in the misery of others opened with a 10 year-old tale of a woman’s heavy drinking at a Christmas party then shifted into an observation that […]

Save the Boobs

The normal boobs ( . )( . ) The silicone boobs ( + )( + ) The perfect boobs (o)(o) Some boobs are cold (^)(^), and some boobs belong to grandmothers \./\./ And let’s not forget the very large boobs (o Y o) and very small boobs (.)(.) Lastly the asymmetrical boobs (•)(.) We love […]