Category Archives: freedom


In July 1940 according to Ronald Rosbottom’s WHEN PARIS WENT DARK about the Nazi Occupation of Paris in June 1940 a mimeographed flyer hit the streets. TIPS FOR THE OCCUPIED. The City of Light had been stunned by the collapse of the French army. 80% of the population fled Paris fearing the worst much like […]

Martin Luther King Lives

Martin Luther King was a man of non-violence. He led his people to greater freedom. MLK showed others the righteousness of his beliefs. His words ring as true today as back at the time of his death. We Have A Dream. To hear Martin Luther King’s Speech I HAVE A DREAM, please go to the […]

Why Read At All – Florida Ban On Books – 2024

On September 11, 2024 Florida fired the New College of Florida’s librarian after the release of photos of the dumpster of books. The state liberal art college had been taken over the previous year by allies of Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis dedicated to the Nazi-styled cleansing of books offensive to Bible Thumpers. In early August […]

48D Long Freedom

From 2016 I loved the old Times Square. Now it’s a tourist trap waiting the rebirth of a generation of vicious Fagins, the criminal kingpin of Charles Dickens’ OLIVER TWIST. I have more respect more respect for the ruthless thieves of the 70s than the XXXXL tourists stuffing their faces with fast food on the […]

Times of Nothing – BET ON CRAZY

Thanks to Daylight Savings Time sunset will come an hour earlier this evening. I hate the winter shift of an hour. Back in the early 21st century I was working at a diamond store off 5th Avenue. A good address. Not West 47th Street. The Diamond District. A squalid block which processes 89% of the […]