Category Archives: family

IRISH TWINS by Peter Nolan Smith


I was nothing I possessed nothing I felt nothing Not Love Food Pissing Shitting Nothing touched my nothingness Then I woke Underwater My lungs filled with water Panic Around me nothing I looked up A hand I reached up Two hands touched I was pulled to the surface A woman on a raft hugged me […]

A BARK BETTER THAN A BITE by Peter Nolan Smith

Every diamond shop on West 47th Street was open seven days a week from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. Sales people, guards, elevator operators, schleppers, cutters, setters, polishers, and even Lennie the Bum slaved throughout the holiday rush in hopes of scoring enough cash to buy presents. Stores extended their normal hours to entice late-night shoppers. […]

THE HOLE OF HEAVEN by Peter Nolan Smith

According to the Old Testament God banished Adam and Eve from Eden for eating the forbidden apple and this Original Sin exiled their descendants to this mortal coil, however humans have repeatedly defied this divine decree with attempts to recreate Heaven on Earth and in 1965 the teenagers of Boston’s South Shore made out at […]


A tale of my mother’s voice from 1960s Boston. Little Italy to be exact. Love and Peace to Angeline Theresa Smith Story by Peter Nolan Smith Filmed by Raoul Ollman Set Design, Sound and Lighting by David Henderson YELLOWBIRD by Harry Belafonte To ssee this video please go to this URL