Category Archives: family

NORTH END MIRACLE by Peter Nolan Smith

Throughout my childhood my mother cooked dinner for six kids and every Friday evening she drove our station wagon into Boston. We picked up my father at 50 Milk Street, where he worked for Ma Bell as an electrical engineer. He took the wheel and headed to a restaurant. Throughout my childhood my mother cooked […]

A MOTHER’S LAST WISH by Peter Nolan Smith

After Christmas 1997 my mother entered the final stages of her battle with cancer. These last rounds were not a pretty site, but her beauty remained intact to the end. Several days after the New Year my mother held my hand and said, “I’m so happy I made Christmas.” “Me too.” I thought about John […]

IRISH TWINS by Peter Nolan Smith


I was nothing I possessed nothing I felt nothing Not Love Food Pissing Shitting Nothing touched my nothingness Then I woke Underwater My lungs filled with water Panic Around me nothing I looked up A hand I reached up Two hands touched I was pulled to the surface A woman on a raft hugged me […]

A BARK BETTER THAN A BITE by Peter Nolan Smith

Every diamond shop on West 47th Street was open seven days a week from Thanksgiving to Christmas Eve. Sales people, guards, elevator operators, schleppers, cutters, setters, polishers, and even Lennie the Bum slaved throughout the holiday rush in hopes of scoring enough cash to buy presents. Stores extended their normal hours to entice late-night shoppers. […]