Category Archives: family

Rasta Mayan

Everyday thousands of migrants from foreign lands cross the southern borders of the United States. Many are Mayan. They seek salvation from the terror of war, drug dealers, their governments and climate change. The short parents come alone or with families. Few suspect how America will transform their genes. The young are changed biologically by […]

Bertha Goes Whaling 1871

I want to be an angel And with the angels stand, A crown upon my forehead And a harp in my hand. The ship was sold in March, 1873. Capt. Hamblin, my father, had decided to give up whaling and go home. The ship sent home 895 barrels of oil and never went back to […]

August 1, 1995 – The South Shore / Watchic Pond – Journal Entry

I had planned on leaving for Asia the previous weekend, but after a long phone call with Todd Shigekane, I decided to bus north and visit Michael’s grave as well as my grieving mother. She had lost her baby son. His birth on December 7, 1960 was clear in my head. Thirty-five years ago. I […]

HOT AS BLAZES by Peter Nolan Smith

Ten years ago I flew from JFK to Haneda in Japan. The segment of my trip lasted 14 hours. The layover in Japan was two hours and the final hop to Bangkok took 6 hours followed by a 90-minute taxi ride to Sriracha. Sitting for twenty-six hours straight had flattened my ass, so my coccyx […]

Fat is Beautiful for Feminists

Several summers ago Jamie Parker drove up on his motorcycle from Pattaya to Sriracha. Mutual friends back in the States had been casting aspersions against the paternity of my son. Mam had heard the same from her family. She offered to submit Fenway to a DNA test. I wasn’t having any part of it. I […]