Category Archives: family

Farewell Siam

My flight to New York via Tokyo departed from Suvarnabhumi Airport at 8:10 in this morning. Mam woke me at 3:30am. We kissed for several seconds before she pushed away my body. “Go take shower.” Thais like clean. Body odors and dirty clothes are the sign of bad manners. It’s a wonder that they tolerate […]

Oh What a Wonderful Day

I woke up early to blue skies over Brooklyn. I reached over to my computer and opened up Skype to call Mam, the love of my life. There was no answer from Thailand and I figured that my son was sleeping early. The time difference is 12-hours and Fenway has not been feeling well. I […]

Message from the Grave

My younger brother’s best friend was Tom Ferris. They met in Provincetown. Michael was sunning on Race Point Beach. A beautiful speedboat anchored close to shore. My brother told his friends that he was going to swim out to see who owned the boat. Tom greeted my brother with open arms. Michael’s nickname was ‘Aquaman’ […]

Child Management

One picture says so much and others say waterboarding. Bravo Dick Cheney. For a related article click on this URL

Gandhi’s Seven Deadly Sins

My mia noi gave birth to our son in August. A good name was necessary for my baby. I reviewed the standard names without success, then reflected on those of revered men. I almost choose Gandhi, but decided on Fenway instead. I am a Red Sox fan.