Category Archives: family

Obama’s Speech

Sometimes the best things to do in a moment of chaos is shut up and listen. – James Steele To hear Obama’s Speech please go to the following URL on BBC News

Quote of the Day – Sheik Auda from LAWRENCE OF ARABIA

I work selling diamonds. Some big. Some small. People ask me why I’m not rich. it’s not my business, but the real reason is that I take care of my family and I always like quoting Sheik Auda from LAWRENCE OF ARABIA “I carry 23 great wounds, all got in battle. 75 men have I […]

End of Moneyless Utopia

My daughter was born seven years ago on New Year’s Day. My son will be two and a half. My two step-children are still under ten. I love them all and reacted immediately to their mothers’ request for money by tramping through the snowdrifts of Brooklyn to the nearest Duane Reade to send money. “Couldn’t […]

Honor Guard for My Father

My father volunteered for the US military right after Pearl Harbor. His color-blindness excluded him from the army and marines, so he enlisted in the Army Air Force. He served in Kentucky testing radar-controlled 20mm cannons in B-25 bombers. He said they lost a crew a week. My father demobilized as a captain and the […]

Guts of Iron

After my mother’s passing, a vegetable never passed my father’s lips. He ate at restaurants and prided himself on his easy BMs or bowel movements. I never heard him burp. Not even when we ate at Tony’s on Wollaston Beach. He would chase down fried clams with a chocolate shake without any indigestion. I mentioned […]