Category Archives: family

The Love of a Cousin

Friday night the Boston Bruins beat the Tampa Bay Lightning and my old hometown hockey team advanced to the Stanley Cup Finals for the first time in 20 years. The manager of Mullanes is from Plymouth. I was sitting with two Bruins fans. We toasted the memory of Bobby Orr. His team of 1972 was […]

Heaven On Earth

The world is coming to an end tomorrow according to the old git who founded Family Radio. His followers are entranced by the prospect of being swept up to heaven by celestial sprites. There they’re spend eternity worshiping their God. On their knees too. As a non-believer I prefer my heaven on earth. It’s fairly […]

Hot as Blazes

The flight from JFK to Haneda in Japan lasted 14 hours. The lay-over was two hours and the final hop to Bangkok took 6 hours followed by a 9-minute taxi ride to Sriracha. My butt was deadened from sitting and my coccyx felt like it had taken a paddling from a nun. I arrived on […]

A Man from Nowhere

My older brother and I were born 13 months apart. My mother dressed the two of us in the same clothing to firstly prevent us from fighting over shirts, pants, and shoes and secondly to heighten the illusion that we were twins. She loved people asking that question and she would reply ‘Irish twins’ with […]

WANDERLUST by Peter Nolan Smith

The 60s were a time of rebellion. My father was straight. I was a hippie. His politics and mine were in conflict for most of our lives and I swore that I would not be my father. He was no fan of my lifestyle. We were worlds apart from the 60s into the 90s. A […]