Category Archives: family

The Diet Of Fools

My mother thought that you weren’t really sick unless there was blood. Aches, fevers, and high temperatures were normal occurrences for children and I didn’t miss a day of school from 1959 to 1966, despite twice suffering from extreme cases of poison ivy. If she was in charge of Health Care in America, the budget […]

EL TEN ELEVEN by I Like Van Halen

In 2004 my cousin Sherri called before my planned departure from Bangkok. She was living in LA with her fiance. Michael seemed like a nice man. Anyone was an improvement after her last husband, a speed freak bank robber. “I want you to meet him.” Sherri considered me her closest cousin. We weren’t family, but […]

A Reprobatal Parental Guidance

My first joint was smoked in my VW Bug coming from Nantasket Beach. Tommie Jordan and John Gilmore were my passengers. The reefer belonged to Tommie, who was a hockey player from North Quincy High. His hair was long for 1969. At least for a hockey player, but then Derek Sanderson wore his long and […]

TOMORROW’S TOMORROW by Peter Nolan Smith

Every Tuesday morning Oil Can flew from Boston for meetings at his investment firm’s New York office. Traffic on the highway from the airport was lighter than the previous month, which was a telling indicator of the failing economy. No wait at the Midtown Tunnel’s tollbooths was another as well as the drive to 57th […]

Celestial Triple Convergence

Last evening after sunset I looked out the window of my Fort Greene apartment and even without my glasses I spotted the awe-ionspiring triple convergence of the crescent moon, Jupiter, and Venus hovering over the western horizon. I called down to AP, “Come on up here. I got something you have to see.” “I hope […]