Category Archives: family

THE BEST OF DAYS by Peter Nolan Smith

Once a month Oilcan flew out of Logan to JFK for a weekly meeting at his investment firm’s main office. Traffic from the airport on the Grand Central was lighter than the previous month, which he considered another sign of the faltering economy. No wait at the Midtown Tunnel’s tollbooths was yet another signal of […]

Less Two Moons

The above photo is from the road crossing the Western Sahara. My godson Edward Brial is biking from Paris to Dakar this summer to raise money for the charity Action Against Hunger, broaden awareness about the solar power potential of Western Sahara, and hit the road looking for adventure and whatever comes their way. Originally […]

Friend and Family

My paternal grandfather had qualified to represent the USA in the pole vault for the 1912 Summer Olympics in Stockholm, unfortunately Frank Arthur Smith I broke his leg at an exhibition in Portland and he was replaced by the alternate jumper. Harry Babcock of the USA won the event topping the height of 3.95 meters. […]

86ed from the Buffalo Bar

I first walked into the Buffalo Bar in 1997. It became my local after I moved to Soi BongKoch. The beer was cold, the open-air atmosphere was a welcome change from the go-go bars’ tobacco-reek, and more than a few of the hostesses were desirable. My ex-wife understandably hated the place and didn’t buy my excuse for frequenting the bar.  ”I […]

My Little Champoo

My little dog passed away three days ago. She was a good little thing. Everyone in Pattaya knew her name in the early 00s. None of them knew mine. I was the farang with “Champoo’. She was a good little dog.