Category Archives: family

ATLANTIC SLAPDOWN by Peter Nolan Smith

Last Saturday afternoon the streets of Brooklyn sweltered in the sultry August heat and my landlord invited me to join a family excursion to the beach. I had only swam in the ocean twice all summer, so my answer was quick and to the point. “Gimme five minutes.” I ran upstairs and changed into my […]

Muay Fenway

Muay Thai is featured every Sunday on Thai TV. As a young boy my son Fenway and his Uncle Nai watched the telecasts from Lumpini Stadium and other boxing venues in a mesmerized state. After the victors and losers were declared for the day, Fenway is encouraged to show what he has learned from the […]

Mia Noi DNA Test

Thailand is a surprisingly puritan country. The nation’s Buddhist tenets demand propriety on all levels of life. Most people succeed in keeping the straight and narrow, however many men lose interest in their first wives and take up with mia nois or small wives. When my wife left to go up country, ostensively to care […]


From my younger sister about my brother Michael Charles Smith. “I was driving home tonight listening to vintage Hall & Oates and thinking of Michael. Their song “Maneater” came on. I remember it was a hit around 1984. I came home to Milton from DC a few days before Christmas. Mom and I were chatting […]

Spiderman #1 Marvel Comics 1964

Spiderman #1 is a valuable comic. Even more valuable is the Marvel Tales introduction to the superhero. This comic book is worth several hundred thousand dollars in mint condition and I had bought Amazing Fantasy #15 in August 1962 at the little soda shop near my Nana’s house in Wollaston, Massachusetts and year later purchased […]