Category Archives: family

My Loved Nana

My Nana came off the boat from Ireland at the age of 14. She broke her heel coming down the gangway. Somehow everything turned out all right in that Year of the Crow. The native of the West refused to pinpoint the date. WE thought the Year of the Crow had something to do with […]

No Bah Humbug

Few holidays are more commercialized than Christmas. The chorus of BUY BUY BUY on TV drowns out any rendition of SILENT NIGHT, as hordes of Americans flock to the malls in their SUVs to buy products made in China. Credit cards are whipped out at the cash registers to complete their Xmas gift list on […]

We Are Not Alone

On April 4, 2013 the National UFO ALERT Rating System along with California, Florida, New York and Texas updated the UFO status alert to Code 3 with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) according to Huffington Post. California had 59 sightings in March. New York experienced 30. I have looked for space ships since my youth. […]

JETS OVERHEAD by Peter Nolan Smith

Falmouth Foresides was a quiet neighborhood in the 50s. Ships blew their horns leaving Portland Harbor and channel buoys tolled out their passing wake. At night I listened to the Celtics game on a small transistor radio from Japan. I set the volume to almost silence. My older brother was a light sleeper. My mother […]

Collect Call to the After-Life

This summer my brother visited me in a dream. My deceased mother and I were sitting in a ramshackle cottage on Cape Cod. My brother said he was going to meet friends. He looked happy, as he ran out the door. It was a little too short, but I was happy to see him and […]