Category Archives: family

Laying On A Suburban Lawn – New England

Noon West of Boston and 128 Mid-March Noon Lying on my sister Pam’s sloping lawn Under the Winter sun The grass awaiting the Spring to green__ Beyond the lawn A steep descent into a gully An Eastern pine rises from below My eyeball estimate Over a hundred feet in the air Over two hundred years […]

86ed from the Buffalo Bar – 2012

From 2012 I first walked into the Buffalo Bar in 1997. The bar on Sai 3 became my local in Pattaya after I moved to Soi Bong Koch in 2002. The beer was cold, the open-air atmosphere was a welcome change from the go-go bars’ tobacco-reek, beer lout falangs, and more than a few of the hostesses were desirable. […]

Delusional Deja Vu – Le Abbee of Saint Michel de Cuxa

In 1988 I spent the summer in Perpignan, France. My good friend, Olivier Brial, arranged my stay with his cousin, Jacques Vial. The family house on the Quai Nicolas Sidi Carnot was in the center of the old Catalan city. The River Basse coursed past the fourth-story mansion east to the sea in Olivier’s parents […]

Kicking Off The New Year

After New Year’s Day of 2008 my ‘wife’ packed the car with Angie, Champoo, and her fat sister for the return drive to Chai-nat. Her week stay for Xmas had been torture. My every word was ignored with visible disdain. She told my daughter that I was a worthless drunk. Angie and I celebrated her […]

Better Late Than Never

Merry Christmas Comrades I’m even capitalizing the C to maintain the spiritual peace of the winter holidays even though the Christians stole the Yulemas from the ancient Druids of Stonehenge. Meán Geimhridh commemorating the shortest day of the year predates the Bronze Age. The original rituals from over five thousand years ago have been lost […]