Category Archives: evil

1st 2008 Chinese Olympic Record

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Dick Cheney’s plans to torture DAV

Dick Cheney once said about extreme stress on undocumented detainees. “I’m one my feet 12 hours a day. I don’t consider that torture.”

The Fuhrer and I

From see :

Mission Creep

You’ll be surprised at how quickly mission creep oversteps the parameters of your stalking. Jocko Weyland responded to this emailed sentence about his stalking project in Beijing. This is a really weird sentence, but I think I know what it means. I emailed back I don’t believe in torture

End of the World Russia

My father doesn’t read the newspapers or watch the TV news. Too much bad news. Iraq, rising prices, global warming, food crisis ad nauseum. It’s enough to make you think the world is coming to an end and a Russian doomsday cult convinced that the world was facing destruction sought refuge in a cave. Seven […]