Category Archives: evil

Watch Football Hear No Evil Eat Potato Chips

America is the Land of the Free as long as what you say, see, or hear is only what the government wants its citizens to say, see, or hear. This Orwellian bargain was highlighted this week by Congress’ redlighting the release of 21 photographs of prisoner abuse by the US military. The Obama administration offered […]

Oi Vey the Body-Snatchers

For centuries anti-Semitics have manipulated the truth to portray the Jews as less-than-human. Sacrificing Christian babies was a favorite rumor spread to incite pogroms in Russia and an ugly story has emerged from Israel’s last assault on the Palestinians to foment further distrust of the Zionist. A tale of organ theft of dead Palestinian babies. […]

S & M CIA/Thai Connection

The Washington Post has published an article claiming that the Thai government was aware of the secret CIA torture compounds at various sites throughout the country. The PM categorically denied the existence of these rendition centers for terrorists at the ASEAN summit in Phuket. His Deputy Prime Minister Suthep Thaugsuban also pronounced that the report […]

Senators in The Pocket.

$3 billion dollars. The USA had surrendered this amount to Israel every year without ever really questioning the cost of this support. Israel is a victim. Palestine the outlaw terrorist state. Anyone questioning this reality is lambasted as an anti-Zionist and the pro-Israel lobby showed its power with a letter signed by 76 senators strongly […]

Guilty as not Charged

My boss on 47th Street is more than twenty years my senior. He comes from Brownsville. Mike Tyson lived there for 6 years. It was a tough neighborhood and even tougher in Manny’s youth. “We had to fight everyone.” Manny is 100% old school and one day he caught me writing a letter. “What are […]