Category Archives: evil

4Q By peter nolan smith

Coming back to America was a shock after a long absence in Asia. I was thin in comparison to the tubby NYU students waddling down St. Mark’s Place. They all had food in their mouth. My lower jaw hung slack in shock. This expression of disgust was bound to attract the wrong attention and a […]

Google Goons

“Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.” – Baron Acton 1887 This quote has been proofed by countless megalomaniacs in the years after its inception. Richard Nixon, Mao Tse-Tung, and the Vatican. Their ranks of their legion are limitless and this week Google CEO Eric Schmidt […]

Cheapskate Torture School

Back in the early 2000s the Abu Ghraib prison scandal shook the moral consciousness of America until the Bush administration described the systematic abuse as an isolated incident. More and more photos revealed that the routine abuse of detainees was practiced throughout every Iraqi prison by the US Military and pointed out that the Pentagon […]

Charlte Rampling – NIGHT PORTER

There were no good Germans. So why do Jews drive Mercedes. “Good cars by bad people.”

Kill a Jew Backlash

My friend Raoul posted a Facebook page KILL A JEW. The page was promoting an event on July 12. I joined to research the madness behind this sight. A gun dealer in Arizona has been sending hate mail to my Facebook account. Our discussion; LOBO You are scum. ME Thank you. LOBO You’re welcome ME […]