Category Archives: Environment

Bangkok Gridlock Extinct

Oil prices dropped on the commodity market over $10. A sure sign of profit taking by speculators fearful of the bubble bursting. I invested $20 yesterday in the market. The gas at the pump was .05% more expensive this morning. My wife called from Chai-nat to complain about the pump prices. “Over 40 baht a […]

Buses and Bikes / No Cars

2008 JonTien Beach 1 Picture 1 Word / Disgusting

From Versus this scene in 1972 No jet skies, no beach chair mafia, no plastic bags. And I was 20 years old, so no grey hair or midriff spread either.

The Future is Plastic

There is a prophetic moment in the movie THE GRADUATE, when Dustin Hoffman is told by his parents’ friend, “The future is plastic.” Back in 1967 plastic was used to make toys, radios, and TVs. Food was wrapped in paper. Supermarkets packed your food in paper bags. At the beach most of the flotsam was […]

Mega-Mall opens on Beach Road

Pattaya a town renown for its go-gos and lady boys will celebrate the opening of the Pattaya Festival Mall next year as part of its expansion to induce Thais and farangs to spend more money of shit they don’t really need from Tops, Robinson’s and a myriad of semi-luxury clothing chains. The three-year development will […]