Category Archives: economy

Coup Coo Coo Cha Choo

BANGKOK: The SET or Stock Exchange of Thailand fell yesterday amid rumors of a coup overthrowing the present government. Investors abandoned their holdings to withdraw profit reported by the Bangkok Post to be 21 million baht. $600,000 US. A blink of a second on the NYSE. So don’t panic yet, despite the police and army […]

Dollar Slinks under 33

Life was so good with the dollar pegged at 40 baht. Not anymore. The almighty greenback has dropped into the 32 range. The overall 20% devaluation means less beer and financial analysts are not confidant about the dollar’s health, especially when GW Bush released a $3 trillion budget and said wants to cut taxes. The US president was […]

Asia Markets Tank Big Time

Yesterday the Asian stock markets responded to President Bush’s tepid salvation plan for the US economy with a feverish sell-off of exposed positions. The malaise later spread to the London exchange, which suffered the largest drop in value since 9/11. The Dow Jones escaped the plunge thanks to a bank holiday for Martin Luther King, but Asian investors […]

Dollar below 33

Citibank announced  $10 billion loss due to loaning deadbeats the money to buy house to give America the feeling that they aren’t merely wage slaves for Wal-Mart. This push for private ownership was crusaded by the then-super popular GW Bush. “Everyone should own a piece of the pie.” Not anymore, for the USA is bankrupt […]

$100 / Barrel of Oil / Pattaya

A good number of Pattaya’s foreign residents are off-shore workers. They spend a month on the platforms and then resume the lfife of leisure once back home. The money has never been so good with the price of oil rocketing through the $100/barrel celiing. Boom time since the price increase is a result of mostly market speculation. […]