Category Archives: economy

International Write-Off Day # 2

“Every American should own a home.” GW Bush had said in 2004 at which time 68 percent of Americans own their own homes. “Home sales were the highest ever recently. That’s exciting news for the country.” Donald Trump took his advice and bought a mansion on Palm Beach, which he sold for $95 million in […]

Cutting Up Your Credit Cards

This year the US government lent hundreds of billions of dollars to shore up the failing financial institutions and the banks have rewarded the largess of the American taxpayers by hiking interest rates and dropping credit balance. Most of their customers have accepted these changes with fatal resignation, however a California lawyer has refused to […]

The Seven Pillars of Nothing

In SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM TE Lawrence wrote about a visit to a desert castle. His host led the British officer through a series of room, each whose walls were permeated with frankincense, myrrh, and other exotic fragrances. They finally arrive at a very simple room. One window. It’s open to the desert. “What do […]

Smart Guys Finish Last Too

I won a scholarship to high school. Bad grades forced the principal to rescind the award. My diploma from university read ‘sin laude’ or without honor. Few of my employees have remarked about my intelligence, although Manny likes to say, “You’re a smart person.” Anytime he says those words I realize that he’s about to […]

My Credit Rating

750 is supposedly the best credit rating. My draft # in 1970 was 113. I stayed in university to avoid the last years of Vietnam. 365 was the best draft number possible. My credit rating is even lower than my draft lottery pick. It might even be negative and I also think it’s on my […]