Category Archives: East Village


NEW WAVE VAUDEVILLE has Alice and the other participants in a panic. I’ve seen a few rehearsals. Klaus has been fantastic, David McDermott the quintessential fey emcee. Stanley the Polish manager of l of Irving Place, tells everyone that the show will be a big success. Alice and her co-hoster Susan have given it her […]

October 11, 1978 Journal Entry – East Village

I woke early for a change. The clock said the time was 7:19. Alice is asleep after a long night at CBGBs. I nuzzled her neck. She mumbled, “Not now.” “I’m going out to eat.” My usual breakfast was a coffee and bagel at Veselka, but I dress thinking maybe someone from the scene was […]


An incredible quadruple Gemini birthday party at Kim and Kyle Davis’ apartment on Bleecker Street. Sean Hausman, Eric Goode, and Kim had hung blue and white balloons overhead. They plastered xeroxed fotos of the four natal celebrants on the wall and illuminated the living room with a modulating blue lights. Punk and funk music. Beer […]

Lost And Found

This afternoon I arrived at 387 in Clinton Hill and discovered my iPad was missing from my bag. I had had it at the Cafe Mogador in the East Village. Raoul and I had shared a coucous merguez. I hadn’t that Arab dish in ages. It was delicious as was the rest of our meal, […]

ONE RPM by Peter Nolan Smith

PUBLISHED IN ELK 2006 February’s blizzards buried New York City with two-foot drifts and people conversed about Global Warming as a distant threat in comparison to Iraq. America was gearing up to war and nothing could stop the process, because the President was acting like a pit bull too stubborn to spit out the bone […]