Category Archives: Drugs

WHEN FAT MEN FLY by Peter Nolan Smith Chapter 3

In the morning Sookie and I ferried over to Staten Island. She loved the boat ride across the harbor. The Statue of Liberty was bigger than I remembered from my last trip to New York. Nick met us at the terminal in his Mini-Cooper. He looked splendid in his hippie dealer clothing; patchwork leather jacket […]

WHEN FAT MEN FLY by Peter Nolan Smith Chapter 1

Someone to Blame for Me

In the 1940s American doctors infected hundreds if not thousands of Guatemalan prisoners, inmates, and common folk with syphilis. The same doctors had subjected blacks Americans to a similar treatment. Millions more were exposed to atomic bomb fallout in the 50s and hundreds were dosed with LSD by the military. Medicine gone mad without any […]


Sitting in a room drinking wine and watching the Celtics play Miami. Alcoholic. Sitting in a bar drinking beer and watching the Celtics play Miami. Social drinker. Smoking weed by myself and drinking wine and watching the Celtics play Miami on ESPN Gamecast? Fucked up. Go to the bar and watch the 2nd half with […]

Big Pharma Bust

Opium has been a blessing and bane for people suffering from pain for over 5000 years. According to M J Brownstein’s “A Brief History of Opiates the Sumerians called the plant hul gil or the “joy plant, although the Egyptian priests reserved its use for the nobility and religious classes. After the collapse of the […]