Category Archives: Drugs

BUDDING PROSPECTS by T Corashessan Boyle

The mansion in Palm Beach doesn’t have cable. I don’t mind, because TV in America shows too many commercials selling pick-ups and fast food for me to watch it. The library has a treasure of books and the owner and I share a tangential taste in literature, so I read myself to sleep every night. […]

CHASING THE DRAGON by Christopher R. Cox

Thailand is not the country it was in the early 1990s. The northern frontiers were undefined other than on maps. Drug traffickers and private armies of the hill tribes controlled the lands beyond the borders and in most cases the borders themselves. Gems guns, girls, hardwoods, and opium washed across the Golden Triangle and I loved […]

White House Pot Scare

I smoke pot. I started at 18. I stopped for a while during the time the government poisoned the marijuana crops of Latin America. I resumed with the advent of home-grown sinsemilla, although the potency of that reefer called ‘killer’ rendered it less user-friendly than the lightweight grass of 1970 and I refrained from inhaling […]

Hashish Farts II

Koh Samui Hospital has reported that the UK resident smuggling ingested hashish has died while under care. Three of the capsules containing the hashish burst in his stomach and he overdosed on the cannibas resin. The doctors said he felt no pain. Let this be a warning to farangs everywhere that easy money has its […]

Amy Winehouse needs a Pattaya Holiday

The 2008 Grammy Awards were the 3rd least viewed in recording industry history. Immigration banned the #1 winner Amy Whinehouse from entering the USA. No star. The wild-haired UK singer has a well-publicized relationship with drugs. Youtubes featured her smoking ice aka crystal meth. The reward for this exploit. Persona non grata same as John […]