Category Archives: Drugs


A recent Yahoo News report extolled the policing talents of two dogs in Thailand, mentioning that the German Shepherd and Labrador serve double functions of guarding the royal family and sniffing out drugs. Jame and Richy are graduates of the Royal Thai Police school for canines. Most dogs wash out with basic commands such as […]

DEA undercover for GW Bush

The State Department announced on Friday that Venezuala remains a key transit point for the #1 cocaine consuming country in the world, the good old USA. The president of that Latin American democracy was quick to attack the report by saying, “Is there a new government in the United States or is it Bush still […]

A-rod All Right

A-Rod, the Yankees all-star, finally admitted to the Press that he had lied about his steroid use. His apology to the public was tempered by his statement that he was young and management expected him to perform, so his drive to excel superseded his natural integrity. “When I arrived in Texas in 2001, I felt […]

Bong a Bong Aquaman

Michael Phelps, an eight-time gold medalist for the USA, has had photos of his huffing a bong pipe published in the daily scandal sheets. Needless to say the accompanying criticism has been harsh ranging from the WHAT A DOPE banner in England’s prestigious NEWS OF THE WORLD to accusations of tossing his career down the […]

Speed for the Masses

China might have 700 million more people than America, however the Land of the Free and the Brave outweighs the Celestial Kingdom by a whopping 40% thanks to the obesity fad hitting America. The Communist Politiburo frustrated by the USA’s superiority in this department have launched a massive online campaign to sell Phentermine to the […]