Category Archives: Drugs

Dogs on Bongs

The US military has been fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan since 2002. Successes have been few and if anyone in the Pentagon was truthful then the architects of Operation WTF would admit to the world that there have been no successes. The initial collapse of the Taliban was not a collapse. The war-rived country faced […]

Count No Count

I’m sitting in my new apartment drinking white wine and writing about teenage devil worship. 30 years ago I was in Paris typing out a Brian ferry interview for a German gangster. Jorgen. Playboy of the West. “Do you want anything?” He asked placing the tape recorder on the table next to my typewriter. “Just […]

Sanity at Last

Last week Mexico decriminalized the possession of most drugs to combat the overcrowing of that country’s jails and prisons. Several Latin American leaders have criticized the USA for its ‘war on drugs’, saying the decades-old policy is an abject failure. Despite having toked a bone in his youth, President Obama has turned his back on […]

Viva Mexico

The War on Drugs suffered a major defeat this week as Mexico decriminalized the possession of pot, cocaine, speed, and smack. Federal prosecutors raised the white flag on their campaign against small-time users. The national police are famed for their corruption and their search policy was a thin cover for seeking out bribes. Of the […]


Several years ago my doctor and I were cleaning out the medicine cabinets of his deceased father’s office. It was in his parents’ old house. where his old man had spent over 40 years caring for thousands of Staten Islanders. We were surprised to find three small boxes of Quaaludes. Their expiration date was 1979. […]