Category Archives: Drugs

The Guilt of Innocence

Every weekend the police set up a roadblock to catch motorcycle thieves and incarcerate drug suspects. The cops stop car drivers too, although the round-up is aimed at young people out for fun. Anyone whose piss turns ‘purple’ gets a trip down to Soi 9 for processing. And this is not Paris Hilton jail. Soi […]

Marc Stevens SnowStorm

The meteorologists are predicting another epic snowstorm heading toward New York. 6-10 inches. A Marc 10 and 1/2 Inches Stevens Blizzard. I partied with Marc and his tranny girlfriend Jill Monroe during the 1978 snowstorm. The city was shut down for three days. We did drugs and more. I vowed never to say what to […]

New Medicine

The day after my 57th birthday I woke up with a hangover. Too much drink. I can’t remember where. I couldn’t face a greasy bacon-n-eggs breakfast and walked over to the basketball court of McCarren Park. My intention was to shoot until I worked up a sweat. Two young neighborhood kids joined me. They were […]

CHINESE ROCKS – song of the day

Nothing says 1970s Lower East Side better than Johnny Thunders performing the classic CHINESE ROCKS. “I’M LIVING ON CHINESE ROCKS. ALL MY BEST THINGS ARE IN HOCK.” For a listen to this song, click on this following URL Is this the past or the future of mankind? I’m hoping for a little of both although […]

Look Away – Iggy Pop

Sometimes you have to ask yourself why Iggy never was a superstar. LOOK AWAY conveys the story of Johnny Thunders and Sable, his muse. Heroin, the needle, and beauty. Definitely not Top 40. Go to URL to hear this classic. For a related article click on this URL