Category Archives: Drugs

Extinct Ludes

From a friend My favorite quaalude adventure took place @ the Hyatt Regency Hotel sunday afternoon tea dance in the gigantic lobby that had a fountain in the center w/a bench surrounding the pool of water. My 3 friends & I had taken quaaludes on our way to the dance and by the time we […]

CHINESE ROCKS – Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers

Nothing says 1970s Lower East Side better than Johnny Thunders performing the classic CHINESE ROCKS. “I’M LIVING ON CHINESE ROCKS. ALL MY BEST THINGS ARE IN HOCK.” He was a legend on the Lower East Side. “I take smack because I enjoy it. I enjoy all it makes me feel. I don’t do it to […]

The Romance Of Blow

The 1970s were a beautiful time. And so were the 80s. And I liked it.

Don’t Run Don’t Walk

My position on drug legalization has been well-stated over the years, however I am not naive enough to ignore the problems besetting those using drugs in extreme or the people surrounding them, mostly innocent family members or neighbors. Pot is no longer pot. It’s turbo-powered skunk. I don’t smoke that mutant shit. Blow is a […]

Last night I had nothing to do and searched online. The URL has nothing on it and obviously a free-thinking entrepreneur has bought the site in expectation of cocaine’s legalization. One day it will happen, for the armies of Tony Montana are ever-victorious. Tony Montana: You know what capitalism is? Getting fucked! And there’s […]