Category Archives: Drugs

Hashish Fart

In 2008 on Koh Samui a middle-aged English tourist arrived at the local emergency ward with complaints of severe stomach and intestinal cramps. The ER staff fought for several hours to extract a long plastic bag from the Englishman’s intestines. They were surprised to discover the bag’s contents werea nearly a kilo of hashish worth […]

Ohio Getaway

Pot costs about $800 a pound in California and several years ago two boys from Duchess County New York decided to drive cross-country, score ten pounds, and drive back with the weed to sell OZs at $80. Neither Mike not Earl could remember a big bust in their hometown for ages. The cops were old […]

Colorado legalized marijuana and the weed industry has blossomed in the Rockies much to the chagrin of other square states such as Nebraska and Kansas, whose police have had to deal with an influx of reefer flooding into the Bible Belt. The DEA and State anti-drug forces are acting like Japanese soldiers in World War […]

CRACK ISLAND by Peter Nolan Smith

Crack cocaine swept across the Lower East Side in the summer of 1986 and East 11th Street between Avenue B and C on the Lower East Side of New York was the destination of choice for its many adherents. All day long hundreds of crack zombies lined the sidewalk before the tenement building on the […]

SINKING SHIP by Peter Nolan Smith

Snobbery is an art in the Hamptons based on proximity to the City. Most of my friends have summer places in Easthampton and Montauk, but a few ignored the elite sneers in favor of a shorter drive back home to Manhattan. Last summer Richie Boy and I stopped in Westhampton to show a large diamond […]